Tag Archives: POAG

Do Birth Control Pills Up Your Glaucoma Risk? Studies Say YES!

Have you ever noticed that your vision changes, depending on where you are in your cycle?

Ever wonder why?

Cells in your eyes have estrogen receptors.

What well known female hormone rises and falls throughout a woman’s monthly cycle?


Did you know research is indicating that women who use oral birth control are at greater risk of developing glaucoma than women who don’t?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collected data on 3,406 women over the age of 40.  It was found that:

The women who had taken oral contraceptives for more than three years were more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with glaucoma. (Read more.)

As one who, during the first 5 years of my marriage, entrusted my menstrual cycle, family size and future health to birth control pills I’ll admit…I find this a bit unnerving.

And, especially so when I consider an article published in 2011 that cites findings from the Nurse’s Health Study, which followed 79,440 women aged 40+ from 1980 to 2006:

…we did find an adverse relation between longer duration of OC (oral contraceptives) use and POAG (Primary Open Angle Glaucoma). In a model that controlled for age at menarche, age at menopause, parity, and PMH (Postmenopausal Hormone) use, there was a 25% increased risk of POAG  associated with 5 or more years of OC use. (Read more.)

Couple these findings with the fact that oral contraceptives (aka birth control pills) are often prescribed to girls as an easy fix for menstrual irregularities, issues, and irritations and I can’t help but wonder what we are doing to the next generation of women.

Be future wise when you consider things period wise, especially when it comes to those who depend on you to make wise choices concerning them and their future.