Tag Archives: feminine hygiene

DeTox the Box

I know – the FDA does not require manufacturers of tampons or pads to reveal many details about what’s in their products.  I also know they RECOMMEND a lot of things.

Recommend and require are two different things, as you well know (especially if you’ve had any dealings with children).

All I’ll say about that for now is that if these companies cared as much about women as they say they do, they would make sure we know without a doubt that their product contains NOTHING that will harm us NOW or in the FUTURE. (Why hide it? Unless, of course, you have something to hide.)

But, it’s apparent they don’t care.  It’s all about the money. Nuff said about that.  Moving on.

Check out the video DeTox the Box.

And, while you watch it, rethink your choice of feminine hygiene product.

DeTox the Box

What’s in YOUR Tampon?

What’s in YOUR tampon?

Don’t know?

Then why is it in your vagina?

Seriously, Ladies – why is it in your vagina if you don’t know what’s in it?

Hello? Can I get an amen on that?

Please, stop and think what it is you are placing inside of you.

I know tampons are convenient – believe me…I know.

But, when you slip a traditional tampon (think Playtex, Tampax, Kotex, U, O.B.) inside of you, some very nasty chemicals leach out of the tampon and into some of the most delicate tissues your body possesses.  And, these chemicals can and do cause a wide array of health issues.

Take a look at your tampon box.

Do you see a full list of ingredients?  What about chemicals involved in manufacturing, bleaching, creating, disinfecting the materials used in these tampons?  Do you see them listed?

Ever wonder why not?

There’s good reason for companies not to list these harmful ingredients.

If you knew what you were doing to your body each time you inserted a tampon that is anything other than 100% natural, certified organic cotton (no defoliant, no chlorine, no chemicals, no synthetic fibers) – you would choose a more health and body friendly option.

And, that would mean less revenue for big companies.

It’s all about the money.

BIG money.

Big, big money.

It’s not just tampons.  No.

What about disposable pads?  Ever think about the chemicals that are in those things?  Ew…and we place them snugly against our lady parts without consideration to what they are releasing into our bodies each time we sit on them.

And, diapers…disposable baby diapers.

What are we doing to ourselves, to our children…to their children?

It’s time these companies, that have taken our money for oh so long, to come clean about what they have been and continue to sell us.

And, it’s time for us to say “NO MORE!”

If they want our money, then they need to be open and honest with us about everything that’s in them.  We deserve that! YOU deserve that. Your daughter and granddaughter deserves that.

And, until they do – we need to rethink our menstrual hygiene in such a way to avoid using their products.

And, we need to warn others.

Buyers beware.

What’s in your tampon? It could be killing you and big business doesn’t want you to know, doesn’t want to lose your business…your money.

Sounds to me like they really don’t care about us…they just care about our money.

Be period wise.

Tell big business to stick it up theirs and you go find an alternative menstrual hygiene option that’s safe, healthy and reusable. Save the money you’ve been giving them and invest in yourself – invest in your dreams, not theirs.

That’s period wise.

#ConfidentCarry – What Surprised Me

There were several surprises Friday, May 9 as I engaged in #confidentcarry. And, there were some in the days leading up to it.

I was surprised by those who did participate and by some who did not.

I was surprised that more women didn’t respond.

It surprised me that the reporter who broke the concealed carry story had no apparent interest in  sharing #confidentcarry with the mom or 17 year old daughter.

My daughter’s reaction and comments surprised me. As did my husband’s.  And, my mother’s…oh, they were precious!

The cold sweat that I broke out on my brow just before I stepped out my front door caught me by surprise.

The difficulty I had in choosing which products to #confidentcarry surprised me.  I thought I would just grab some pads / tampons / cup and head out.  But, no…I found that I wanted to go colorful.

My excitement was a surprise.

The confidence I felt as I went through with #confidentcarry was a total surprise – a wonderful surprise.  It made me more confident…more self-assure…more settled…more centered.

I was surprised that most people didn’t notice – not the huge overnight pad stuck to my back, the tampons in my pocket, the clear bag full of brightly colored products….

The fact that I wanted to continue to #confidentcarry (long after the pad slipped from my back early evening and refused to stick anymore) was a surprise.

The freedom I felt…the liberation and the openness surprised me.

The reactions of 3 men came as a complete surprise.

While I’m always comfortable in the feminine hygiene aisle, I was surprised that I felt so at home there.

It surprised me when I forgot that I was engaged in #confidentcarry and that there was a pad on my back. It felt natural – normal.

I was surprised that most people had a ‘so what?’ attitude toward public display of menstrual products…about #confidentcarry.

It came as a surprise when I actually felt different when #ConfidentCarry Day ended. I was surprised #ConfidentCarry changed me.

#ConfidentCarry – the biggest surprise is that it gave me a taste of what can be…should be.  And, that taste was delicious and demands more.

What surprised you about #confidentcarry?

#ConfidentCarry Day

As I write this, my thoughts are more on the day ahead than on what I’m going to say here.

The arrival of flow (far earlier than was expected) necessitated an adjustment in plans.

The “flow” I’m referring to isn’t menstrual – it’s RAIN.

Super absorbent pads are good at one thing – absorbing.

This is a heavy flow day and I’ll need a lot of product to get me through if I #ConfidentCarry in the manner in which I’ve planned.

What are my #ConfidentCarry plans?

The picture above is of a pad I’ve created to wear on the back of my shirt.  I’ve another to wear on the front. From the small hip pocket of my black pants, tampons will protrude. And, in a zip-top bag my menstrual cup, wipes, and a few large, brightly colored pads will accompany me…in my hand, on a table, desk…beside me wherever I am.

Where will I be today?

This morning, I will be at my desk. Work will occupy me until late morning.  Beyond work? Ah, I’ve several things planned.  A trip to Home Depot to return a purchase, lunch out with my daughter, Walmart, Kroger, a visit with my mom, dinner out with Hubby….

These are my plans for how and where I will #confidentcarry.

What are yours?

Who Are You Infecting?

I experienced the following while at a local garden center. (Hang with me…I’ve an important point to make.)

Two women paused between rows of brightly colored flowers. A conversation ensued.

Woman #1 said, “Oh, look at the beautiful flowers! So pretty!”

Woman #2 answered, “They hold nothing for me.”

Somewhat taken aback, Woman #1 said, “Don’t look at them as just flowers…see them as color…beautiful, bright, bold colors that excite the eyes!”

Woman #2: “They make my eyes hurt!”

Woman #1 paused and looked at her companion before replying. “They may hold nothing for you, but they hold everything for me. And, they speak of life and the joy of living, of hope and love, of growth and change. The colors…they make me happy…make my eyes dance and my heart smile.”

Woman #2: “Bah – make you happy, make your eyes dance and your heart smile?  They would die like all things die and then what would you have?”

Woman #1: “I would have the hope of renewal come Spring.”

Woman #2: “Hope?  Hope is dead…as dead as those flowers will be when Winter’s freeze kills them.”

Woman #1 reached out to touch the yellow blossom before her, and said, “You’re probably right.  I doubt they would survive the winter freezes, and I don’t have time to give them the care they would need.”

Woman #2: “Now you’re talking sense.”

It’s so sad that one’s words and attitude can infect another so quickly and so profoundly.

Let’s tweak that conversation just a bit and place it on the feminine hygiene aisle.  Perhaps it will remind you of a similar conversation you’ve participated in.

Woman #1 said, “Oh, look at all the different colors and product options! So pretty, and so many!”

Woman #2 answered, “You’re kidding right? This stuff excites you?”

Woman #1, somewhat taken aback, said, “Yeah, doesn’t it you? I love my period and I like trying different menstrual products. I learn so much about myself and my flow experience.”

Woman #2: “Um…no. In fact, I find it rather embarrassing to be standing here talking about all this.  Periods are private and there’s certainly nothing good about them. They hold nothing good for me…just pain, irritation, and embarrassment. I’ll be glad when menopause comes.”

Woman #1 paused and looked at her companion before replying. “They may hold nothing for you, but they hold everything for me. And, they speak of life and joy, of growth and change, of flowing and the cycle of life. The colors…they make me happy…make my eyes dance and my heart smile.”

Woman #2: “Excited about period products?  Ha! They are just something to use and throw away – a waste of money really, and totally nasty. At the end of a week, what do you have? Nothing but a pile of smelly trash.”

Woman #1: “I have joy in flowing and in embracing every part of my period…of my cycle…of myself. I have the satisfaction of being self aware and comfortable with who I am. It’s not nasty. There’s nothing nasty about it.  It’s normal.”

Woman #2: “Joy in flowing? Embracing your cycle? What…are you weird or something?  Periods aren’t something to enjoy…they are something to endure and live between. And, these colorful period products…they’re colorful for a reason, you know.  They want your money and don’t give a care about you or your period.”

Woman #1 reached out to touch the yellow box before her, and said, “You’re probably right.  I guess I do sound a bit odd, when I stop and think of it.  I’ll just get a box of tampons and….”

Woman #2: “Now you’re talking sense.”

Be careful. Our words and attitudes infect others – and usually it’s those closest to us…those we care about the most.

  • Be period wise – especially when talking with girls, tweens, and teens.
  • Be period positive and encourage others to embrace themselves –  their cycles – their periods.

If you saw yourself in Woman #2, please find healing before you infect others around you.

If you don’t know where to turn or how to find help and healing, drop me an email and let’s see if we can get you headed in a healthier direction.

What?? Empty Again?!?!

What do you do when your period starts and you are away from home and unprepared?

  • Ask your friend for a tampon/pad?
  • Use toilet paper?
  • Purchase a box of pads/tampons?
  • Purchase a tampon/pad from a dispenser in a restroom?

If you depend on obtaining what you need from a restroom dispenser, you might want to rethink your decision.

Take 3 minutes and view the video below.

When is the last time you attempted to purchase a tampon/pad from a dispenser in a restroom? Did the restroom have a dispenser? Did it work? Were you able to obtain one?

If you come across a dispenser that is not working, or that’s empty – will you bring it to the attention of management and request that it be fixed/filled?

Be period wise – for yourself and for others.