Kindness Trumps April Fool’s Day

There’s nothing funny about telling a girl “your period has started…it’s all over the back of your skirt! You’d better go the restroom…use your notebook to cover your rear as you go!”

A teen with irregular and heavy periods, I often experienced huge, embarrassing leaks.  And, for some reason a few of my friends thought it would be funny to play an April Fool’s Day joke on me.

I failed to see the humor in it.  There’s nothing funny about thinking you’ve leaked.  And, there’s NOTHING funny about being told you’ve experienced a HUGE leak that’s visible and needs immediate attention when you’ve not.

As we teach our girls how to deal with menstruation and to honor menstruation in others, let’s be vigilant in teaching them to be supportive, considerate and compassionate in their dealings with other girls.