Put on a Happy Face

We’ve all done it. We’ve all put on a happy face when inside we felt anything but happy.

“How are you?” a friend asks, and our immediate response is “Doing well, thank you, how are you?” when in reality we are hurting and not at all well.

Why do we do that?

Why do we feel it’s necessary to hide behind a happy face?

What’s wrong with being honest with ourselves – and with others?

Now, I’m not saying we have to be as blunt as the girl in the brief conversation below

but, hey, openness is the rule when you’re period wise!

Resolve this year to be open to learning more about menstruation.  Knowledge empowers.

There comes a time when we aren’t allowed not to know. – Judith Viorst

One thought on “Put on a Happy Face

  1. katrina zertiha

    Hi there, my name is Katrina and a very Happy New Year to you all! I sent a reply a few days ago and it was relating to my daughter Yasmine who to our shock started her period at 7 and three quarters last Feb! I have been speaking to Suzan on Twitter who has helped me immensely with info, although Yasmine has seen Paediatrician, Endocrinologists and had countless tests, albeit not pleasant and very painful and traumatic, ive just had a letter back saying she does not have true precocious puberty? I feel let down and upset as clearly Yasmine seems too much trouble and resources for them! I would love to hear from other parents in same boat, im guessing there are other children out there?
    I would like to say that i am definately one of those women who asked how are you, just cant be bothered to explain how much pain i am suffering? I have suffered from extensive Endometriosis for years now, had loads of ops too to remove cysts from my ovaries, Endo from womb, bowel, bladder etc and my last
    operation in Jan 2012 had my left fallopian tube removed as in such a complete mess when went in. I
    was stage 4 with extensive Endometriosis so was really suffering, and like many other sufferers with Endo would rather curl up under duvet dosed up with painkillers but as a Mum i was doing school runs and i was asked how are you i would reply Im fine thanks, how about you? Truth was i was feeling very rough! My family and close friends and parents from school who knew what i was going through would be very sympathetic and caring but others had no idea? I found myself even saying to those who knew what was going on , just my usual pains, nothing usual about them but to me they were the norm! Im generally a very happy woman and try to get on with life regardless of pains etc inside, just have to as im a wife and also a Mother! Im going through peri-menopause now so things are definately slowing down which im grateful for, there is no cure for Endo so i will just have to live with it and smile sweetly! The person i feel sorry for is my long suffering husband as he now has not only me being hormonal but our 8 year old daughter Yasmine too! Talk about stuck in the middle! X

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