Monthly Archives: January 2013

What’s in Your Purse?

Take a look at the pictures below and see if you can find what’s missing.

If you were the owner of one of these purses and were approached by a girl or woman in urgent need of a pad or tampon, would you have anything to offer them?

Now, look in your own purse (or bag).

Would YOU be able to meet that urgent need?

Many mistakenly think that if they are not menstruating there is no need to pack menstrual products.

Ask yourself – what’s the periodwise thing to do?

Put on a Happy Face

We’ve all done it. We’ve all put on a happy face when inside we felt anything but happy.

“How are you?” a friend asks, and our immediate response is “Doing well, thank you, how are you?” when in reality we are hurting and not at all well.

Why do we do that?

Why do we feel it’s necessary to hide behind a happy face?

What’s wrong with being honest with ourselves – and with others?

Now, I’m not saying we have to be as blunt as the girl in the brief conversation below

but, hey, openness is the rule when you’re period wise!

Resolve this year to be open to learning more about menstruation.  Knowledge empowers.

There comes a time when we aren’t allowed not to know. – Judith Viorst

Celebrate Your First in 2013

How will you celebrate your first menstrual period – of this new year?

Will there be a First Period Party?

Will you put up a red tent in your yard?

Will you go green your first red days?

Will you indulge in a favorite treat?

How will you celebrate?  You really should, you know. First only comes once.

And, speaking of first – how will you celebrate when that special girl in your life reaches menarche?