Tag Archives: yeast infection

BV or Yeast?

If you find yourself itchy “down there” with a recurrent irritating discharge and odor, and find that over the counter yeast infection creams don’t help – you might have BV (bacterial vaginosis).

Learn what causes the recurring itch and what to do about it in Dr. Lauren Streicher‘s article, “When Your Vagina’s in a Phunk.”

Here’s an excerpt.

In addition to being uncomfortable and dangerous, BV can be really expensive. Ask any woman who has gone to the drugstore and invested $50 in anti-yeast medication only to find that the irritation, odor and discharge are still there. By the time she sees her doctor, gets a test for BV, and pays for her prescription, one episode of BV can cost hundreds of dollars. As if that weren’t enough, it comes back 30% of the time. Read more.