Tag Archives: last period

On the Outside Looking In – Hysterectomy

As I type this, a dear friend is undergoing a hysterectomy.

Painful periods and heavy flow prompted tests and the diagnosis of Endometriosis with adhesions was given.

My friend was thankful to finally find an end to her monthly pain, but also nervous about going under general anesthesia and the knife.

Because of the location of and amount of adhesions, she was not a candidate for laparoscopic surgery.  She would have abdominal surgery – in the same scar used for her C-sections.

She was concerned about pain and length of recovery.  I could only share of my own experience – which was far different than her own will be.

I did not have endo and adhesions were not a problem for me.  I had fibroids – some the size of grapefruits, some on stalks – and a uterus the size of a 6 month pregnancy.  Surprisingly, I WAS a candidate for a laparoscopic hysterectomy.

How my experience and that of my friend compare remain to be seen.

I hope all goes well and that she is up and around and back to some semblance of normal within a week or two. Full recover, no matter the surgery chosen, won’t occur for about a year.

As I type this, I am aware that my friend will never experience another period – ever.  I thought it ironic that my last period was due to begin same day as my surgery.

During her last period, I asked my friend to consider two things.

  1. Was there was anything she would like to experience during this last period? After surgery, there will not be another opportunity.
  2. Was there anything about her period that she would like to share with her young, teenage daughter?  After surgery, her daughter would be unable to experience or learn from her mother’s periods, or benefit from anything she might learn from them.

Do you know when your last period will be?

Most women don’t.

If, while reading this post, something came to mind that you need to address, don’t put it off.

  • If there’s a product you want to try, try it.
  • If there’s something you want to know, ask it.
  • If there’s something you need to learn, learn it.
  • If there’s something you want to experience, experience it.
  • If there’s something you want to share, share it.


Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Period regrets are such sad regrets.

Be period wise.

What Would You Do Differently?

If you knew that your next period would be your last…

  • what would you do differently?
  • what would you like to experience during it?
  • what would you like to share of it? and, with whom?
  • would you be more open about the fact that you are menstrual?
  • would you invite your daughter to experience your flow in some way? to view your used product?
  • would you share your experience with your best friend?

If you knew that your next period would be your last, is there anything that you would feel had been left undone? or, anything you might regret not doing once it’s no longer an option?

Most women do not know when their last period will be (unless radical surgery ends it) and never consider how they will feel and whether they will have regrets when they discover that their last period was, indeed, their last.

Why wait?  Why risk leaving important things undone? Why not, at your next period, do the period wise things that came to mind when I asked the questions above?