Predicting Your Final Period – Is It Possible?

A common question among girls is – “When will I get my first period?” Another is, “How will I know my period has started?”

And, with women it isn’t much different – “When will I get my last period?”, and, “How will I know when I’ve reached menopause?”

According to WebMD, a new method may help pinpoint a woman’s final period.

The formula is based on the changing levels of two hormones: estradiol, which is found in the ovaries; and follicle-stimulating hormone, which is present in the brain and gives instructions to the ovaries.

Estradiol levels fall and follicle-stimulating hormone levels rise as women go through menopause, the University of California, Los Angeles, researchers explained in a news release from the Endocrine Society.

Currently, doctors monitor women’s menstrual bleeding patterns to determine the menopause transition phase. However, this phase is an imprecise indicator of when the final menstrual period will occur, according to the authors of the study published in the April issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Menopause brings change. A woman’s risk of heart disease and osteoporosis increase. The thought is that knowing when a woman can expect her final period will give her, perhaps, a 2 year head start on proactive intervention.

Do you think it would be period wise to know when to expect your final period?