Overcoming the Menstrual Taboo

Did you catch the article high school student Kira Gabriel wrote for her school paper on “Societal stigmas against acknowledging menstruation“?

She begins strong.

In its most recent issue, Seventeen Magazine ran a Tampax Radiant tampon ad that read, “New Tampax Radiant helps keep your period invisible. How you stand out is up to you.” The pseudo-feminist slogan implies that the only thing that can identify a woman on her period is her period.

And, she ends strong.

The current taboo against menstruation tells women that an essential part of their nature is disgusting and needs to be hidden. It is imperative that society accepts that, in order for it to continue, women must menstruate. Shaming them for it is a detriment to everyone.


To read all that comes between the beginning and the end, please click on the link above.

My guess is you’ll be cheering and shouting and clapping just like I was when I read it.

Wish I’d written these period wise words!

What period wise actions are you taking to end the taboos of menstruation?